Friday, August 4, 2023

Button ornaments


I haven't done a lot of tatting in the past three months. When I have, I've made button ornaments. These were sitting in a dish waiting for finishing, which I did this afternoon. I'm not sure how many I've made this year, but I know I have plenty for Christmas gift giving!

A lot of my summer reading has been the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child. I'm reading them in order of publication, and I really enjoy the stories. However, the author's use of incomplete sentences and misplaced commas just about drives me crazy!


  1. Ah, that’s the librarian talking. Though it drives me crazy too, and I’m not a librarian, though I did major in English.

  2. I'm not a librarian, and I didn't major in English. It drives me crazy, too.

  3. beautiful tatting. I have not read any of these books -- actually, have not been reading much this year. Been too crazy busy. !!!

  4. Your button ornaments look fantastic!! :)
    It's so good to see your posts and projects again!! :)

  5. Hi.
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  6. I grew up in a household where most of us were English majors. Misplaced commas, poor spelling, and improper use of apostrophes make me crazy! (Please note that I am a fan of the Oxford comma.)


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