Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Farmhouse dishcloth


I started this Farmhouse Dishcloth last night. It was an easy knit, but I think I would prefer it as more of a square than a rectangle. That would be an easy enough adjustment.

This morning I went in to school to help daughter Carol put together some furniture that she purchased for her classroom. It's hard to believe that summer vacation is almost over and that school starts next week!


  1. Thanks for the link. I kind of like rectangle, tad longer. I’ll be starting some of these after I linger awhile more on that blog 🙂

  2. Nice colour. I think square would look better, though oblong is perfectly functional.

  3. Hmmm I like the square better too but the rectangle would make a great hand wipe towel thingy!

  4. Hi.

    Thank you for this information. The color is quite pleasing. While a square shape might offer a more appealing look, the oblong shape serves its purpose perfectly well. Here is sharing some Mulesoft Training information may be its helpful to you.
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  5. Wow, the school year starts so early for you! Here it's in September.
    The rectangle reminds me of grandma's kitchen towels. Maybe it could work like that.

  6. Looks great! :)
    My sister-in-law just posted pictures of her grandkids starting school last week in GA.

  7. The school year is right around the corner ... https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1578/UTSC/2655493/2023-2024.pdf Students begin 8/16. Teachers already in classrooms (first official day 8/14). I like the round dishcloths. I"m not sure why. Just like to knit them and use them!! Pattern is the Almost Lost Dishcloth. https://www.ravelry.com/projects/LeliaEvelyn/the-almost-lost-washcloth


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