Saturday, August 26, 2023

Tollway Tatters


Tollway Tatters met this morning, and while we chatted, I managed to finish a bookmark. I'm falling way short in my goal to tat bookmarks for all the seniors. I only have two finished, and I'll need to work at a much faster pace if I want to give each one a bookmark. Maybe I should just give each of them a button ornament!


  1. Il segnalibro è bellissimo, vedrai che riuscirai pian piano a farli tutti

  2. Beautiful bookmark, perhaps an easier pattern would be quicker.

    1. That could be, but I do have this one memorized and I love the way the pattern flows.

  3. You do have those on hand if you run out of time. I like the curds and whey bookmark though.

  4. It's pretty! Yes, you can give them button ornaments if you run out of time, but bookmarks are also useful as well as decorative.

  5. It's a beautiful bookmark! I'm sure that your button ornaments would be much appreciated as well.

  6. Great bookmark!! :)
    I am sure whatever is gifted will be treasured. ;)


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