Thursday, August 3, 2023

Today was a tatting day


I decided that today was as good a day as any to start tatting bookmarks. I turned to my favorite bookmark pattern, Curds and Whey from Tatting with Visual Patterns by Mary Konior. If I could only keep one of my tatting books, this would be the one. I get so much inspiration from it.

While reorganizing upstairs, I decided it was time to pull out my Great-grandma Morris's quilts. I think she must have made this as a bedspread, because it pretty well covers my queen. I know that our family's biggest beds were full size back then. Grandma Morris passed when I was 10 years old. I'm 71 now. So, I know this quilt is at least 61 years old.

I did a lot of crocheting over the past three months. I wanted to use up the leftover yarn from last years hats. My sister Janet claimed this lapghan.

Daughter Alison claimed the full size afghan. I sure did get a lot out of those skeins of yarn!


  1. I like curds and whey too, used it as an edging, but a bookmark is a good idea. Beautiful quilt. And great crochet, I’m not surprised they were quickly claimed!

  2. Did you crochet the squares together, Diane? I like the ridge effect.
    I remember the excitement of MK’s first book being published.

    1. Yes, I started with slip stitch and it looked awful. I single crocheted in the back loop only.

    2. Thanks, Diane. Ah, that would be a double crochet in ‘our terms’!!!

  3. It's so great to see you tatting again!! :) Great bookmark!!
    That quilt sure is a treasure!!! :)
    Wow! You sure did get a lot out of all that yarn!! Looks like no waste!! And it's great that every bit is appreciated and claimed!! :)

  4. Lovely quilts. and afghan. Bookmarks!! you did a lovely job with this pattern.


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