Thursday, October 26, 2023

Fresh start


I gave away all 87 Chapstick holders yesterday, so I started a fresh batch when I got home. I only passed them out to students and staff who could show me their Chapstick. It was great fun, but I know that there will be requests for many more Chapstick holders. One student even showed me that he was ordering a pack of Chapsticks from Amazon with the hopes of taking home a holder. No dice! Show me your Chapstick!


  1. Goodness, the chapstick people will have to give you a bonus!

  2. Wow!! I bet they will all be used!! :)

  3. Haha, no chapstick, no holder! Your knits are very popular!

  4. You're an instigator! After watching post after post of you cranking out knitted goodies I bit the bullet and bought one of my own. Or two. Or three...


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