Thursday, November 10, 2016

Poppy Red Spinning Wheel

When I started tatting this pretty shade of red, I didn't think of the significance of finishing it in time for Veterans' Day. I do like my Poppy Red Spinning Wheel!

As I was catching up with blog posts today, I realized that Frivole has already used the name Snowdrop for one of her pretty snowflake patterns. So, I think I need to come up with another name.

If you haven't tried this method of bezel setting piece:s with tatting, I highly recommend Edda Guastalla's directions! These pieces have been finished using her basic directions, but Edda goes in to many more possibilities. There are 15 pages in this download, and I think it is well worth the price.

Here's the next drawer in my newest shuttle display cabinet. As of the last shuttle post, the count was at 600. I'm amazed!

Update: Thanks for the suggestion, ladies! I've gone through and relabeled all of my Snowdrops as Ice Drops so that the name won't be confused with Frivole's beautiful snowflake.


  1. I suppose Icedrop might work? I love your red Spinnning Wheel and especially for Veterans Day. I am in total awe of your shuttle collection.

  2. White Narcissus?
    Are you even half way through the shuttles yet? - every drawer you show holds so many treasures. it's wonderful to see them.

    1. Ooh! That's a pretty name! I might use it if I come up with a way to make these look more like flowers. Thanks for the input!

  3. Excellent serendipity! It's a lovely shade of red. Phew, that's a lot of shuttles! Icedrop sounds good to me.

    1. It was totally unplanned, so it is definitely serendipitous!

  4. Love your red spinning wheel, just in time for rememberance
    Ice drop sounds good to me too.
    You are amazed I am fabergusted, gosh that's a lot of shuttles.

    1. I do own an overwhelming number of shuttles. I just didn't realize exactly how many I have!

  5. Dear Diane, I wrote to your personally but I wanted to say here that I did not mind at all that you also chose Snowdrop for your bezelled tatting. There was no need at all to change it on my account. :-)

    Nice poppy red... but what do you do with all your spinning wheels mats? Do you have a giant pile somewhere in your house? Or do you give them away as you make them?

    1. Thank you, Frivole! Now that I've changed the name, I really think it suits these pieces better. However, if I manage to design something pretty enough to go with the name Snowdrop, I'll be sure to let you know!

      Right now the Spinning Wheels are in a bag waiting for an end of the year picture. Come January, I plan to find homes for many of them. I have several friends and relatives who have expressed an interest in specific colors, so I will share those first.

      I think I may have to plan some Spinning Wheel give-aways in the new year!

    2. That sounds like a great idea... will you reveal how many you have?
      I look forward to seeing the end of year picture. I'm sure it will be quite a sight to behold! :-)

    3. Oh, yes! I know there will be at least 52! ;-)

  6. Great spinning wheel!!! :)
    Wonderful ice drops!! :)

  7. Just to be certain - there are 17 shuttles in this drawer ? I can't make them out clearly.
    Lovely poppy mat & ice drops :-)


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