Saturday, February 11, 2017

Hello, Kitty!

I only had time for one Ice Drop today and as I put it together, I thought of my friend Carol. Hello, Kitty!

Dave and I had a great time with two daughters and two grandchildren today. The only way it could have been better would have been with four daughters and seven grandchildren! ;-)


  1. Oh my, that is sweet!!! I may have some of those charms someplace around here. Delighted to hear you had so much fun. Our son's kitty was overnight & my picot gauge went missing --- found it about an hour ago .... guess I can finish up the TIAS now!!!!

    1. I'm glad you found your picot gauge! Kitties can be so mischievous!

  2. Wow, you still managed an icedrop in spite of having visitors, well done to you.

    1. A little bit of tatting before the arrived, a little bit of tatting after they left, and I have an Ice Drop!

  3. Lovely ice drop, hope you had a good day with the family


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