Monday, April 22, 2019


I'm not referring to a goal in sports. No, I'm referring to my knitting goal of finishing the front of my sweater before Wednesday.

It took a bit of concentration with the Easter weekend, but I did it!

I love the drape of the fabric created with this yarn.

I wasn't able to capture the color. It's really slightly lighter than the top two pictures, but darker than the bottom one. I'm looking forward to the next step, knitting the arms. I'll get the pattern for that on Wednesday. Until then, I'll focus on my other works in progress!


  1. It's so fun to have these knit or tat along I really feel I finish what I start this way. Funny about the color too sometimes they seem to change with the color color I set them on too. Maybe will have to take a real photograph class just to post pictures on a blog ha ha ha😁

    1. Yes, I think the background color makes a big difference, too. I could pick up a few tricks from my oldest daughter or granddaughter, but I don't think to ask when they're visiting!

  2. Wonderful progress!! Congratulations on meeting your goal!! :)


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