Sunday, October 27, 2024

Busy day


I kept myself very busy today. I found a cute Beaded Fidget Hedgehog pattern on Etsy, and I just happened to have everything I needed close at hand. I made the blue one first. I miscounted the rows for the eye placement. I think the purple one looks much better. I chose to use yarn for the eyes instead of safety eyes. I pulled the pony beads out of a tin without looking. Maybe I'll choose colors for the next one.

I finished another strip for my Mix & Match afghan. The pattern is extended double crochet. I have enough strips to make an afghan, but they're mostly blue. I'll keep making strips with the different patterns and choose how to put them together later.

Today was a three gnome day. I need to make three more, and then I'll pass them out to the 8th graders. I plan on finishing gnomes for the 7th graders by Thanksgiving and the 6th graders by Christmas. I love giving away gnomes!

I finished the first front panel for my Harvest Cardigan. I think I'll finish the other front panel and the sleeves before tackling the changes to the back panel. All in all, I had a fun filled Sunday!

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Tollway Tatters to the rescue!

We had our monthly Tollway Tatters meeting via Zoom this morning, and it was just what I needed. Despite my efforts to be very careful, I tatted one too many spokes on this round of Renulek's Snow Doily.  I didn't want to cut the treads, so I was very slowly untatting 13 rings and the adjoining chains. Let me tell you, that was a very frustrating and painstaking task. 

When I was trying to decide what to work on during our meeting, I decided that untatting while chatting might be just what I needed. I was right! It took me almost three hours to finish taking out the rings and chains, and then tatting them correctly. In fact right before signing off, I realized that I had twisted the final chain. I said my goodbyes, took a few minutes break, and then fixed that final mistake.

Mistakes seem to be my thing lately. Yesterday, I finished the back pane of my Harvest Cardigan... or so I thought. When I started crocheting the first front panel, I realized I had crocheted more than half of the back panel using the wrong stitch. That's what I get for setting a project aside for a couple of weeks. My plan is to finish the first front panel, and then I will rip out the part that I crocheted incorrectly. There's not a big difference in the look, but there is a big difference in the drape of the fabric.

I'm thinking that's it time to focus on one project at a time!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Nothin' but gnomes!


I've been working exclusively on gnomes for the past week. Some of the 8th grade girls have been making pompoms for me with the hope that I would use them on gnomes. This picture is of the 14 gnomes I made to give to 8th graders. After taking the photo, I made four more. Now, all of the 8th graders taking art this semester have a gnome. Next up, I will make gnomes for the other half of the 8th grade who are in STEM class this semester.

I forgot to take a picture of the gnomes I made for the AP Euro kids, but six of them were delivered yesterday as well.

What's next? I need to finish one more scarf for my group of 7th grade girls. After that, I'll be back to cranking out gnomes for the 7th and 6th graders. With all of these gnomes, one would think that my yarn stash is dwindling. It is not!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Keepin' busy

Last week was busy with routine doctor visits, car maintenance, shopping, and crafting. With all of the activity, I simply forgot to blog. Yesterday, I decided to take some pictures of what I've been doing.

I purchased some inexpensive plastic wast baskets to sort project that I'm cranking out on my Addi circular knitting machine. One is for gnome bodies, one for gnome hats, and one for twisted headbands/ear warmers. Yes, I am trying to organize my crafts!

Inspired by daughter Joanne, I went Christmas shopping at Cracker Barrel after my car maintenance appointment. We're not decorating for Christmas yet, but there's no reason why I can't get a little shopping in!

I worked on Renulek's Snow Doily while watching the Bears game yesterday. I've been neglecting it for the past few weeks. It felt good to make progress on it yesterday!

Mom and I went yarn shopping on Saturday. We found these baskets on clearance at JoAnn, and Mom was inspired by some beautiful yarns. She'll be busy cranking out more throws in no time!

A former student was visiting at school last week, and I admired the sweater she had made. She sent me the link to the Harvest Cardigan pattern. I purchased it right away, ordered the yarn, and started it on Friday. It's crocheted in panels. This should keep me busy for a while!

I'm making good progress on this Ruddock scarf for my 7th grade girls. I have one more to knit once this one is finished.

I finished the Double Crochet panel for my Mix & Match afghan. Yes, I have started another panel!

While straightening up my craft corner, I found a gnome I hadn't finished. I added the bell to his hat, gave him a beard, and he is now in my basket of gnomes waiting for a new home.

I'm having a little bit of fun!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Another bookmark finished


Yesterday and today were slow craft days for me. Even though I didn't accomplish much, I did manage to finish another Curds & Whey bookmark. This has become one of my favorite patterns from Tatting with Visual Patterns by Mary Konnor.

I've been asked about my photograph background. It's the lid to my new tatting basket.

We went to Shipshewana, Indiana this summer and stopped at an Amish basket maker, where I found this beautiful basket.

There's a lovely little tray that, when organized, holds my current project.

There's plenty of storage in the bottom, so I can keep lots of supplies close at hand. Now all I have to do is organize my corner of the living room. It has become quite messy!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Sunday knitting


I wanted to finish another scarf for my 7th grade girls so that I could start the next one. So, while watching the Chicago Bears win yesterday, I knit! Yes, I did start the next scarf, which I hope to finish this week. Cooler weather should be coming soon, and I'd like these five girls to get the maximum use out of their scarves.

This morning I finished Traditional Clovers from Four Dozen Tatted Bookmarks by Robin Perfetti. I meant to have one less pattern repeat, but I didn't realize I had counted incorrectly until I finished the last clover leaf. So, the end peeks out of the sleeve. I think it will be okay. The thread is size 20 Lizbeth #644 Boysenberry Dk.

My plan is to alternate tatting a Curds & Whey bookmark with one from Robin's book. I don't want to lose my momentum of following the patterns in the book, but I also want to finish tatting bookmarks four our local Daisy troop. I also have three knitting projects and a crochet project going. I need more hours in the day!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Bookmark day

I didn't finish a bookmark yesterday. I forgot to join on the next to the last ring, and it seemed to take forever to open that ring. I worked on it last night and this morning, and then successfully tatted the final two rings.

This is Braid: Five Rings from Robin Perfetti's Four Dozen Tatted Bookmarks. I used size 20 Lizbeth #679 Lime Green. As I'm going through these patterns, I'm realizing that if I had understood math a little better when I was in school, I might have been able to design lots of patterns. Thank goodness there are designers like Robin who experiment and then offer up there designs for the rest of us!

When I became frustrated with trying to open that little ring last night, I shifted to another Curds & Whey bookmark. I then finished it this morning. The thread is size 20 Lizbeth #103 Tutti Fruitti.

Since I'm on a roll with bookmarks, I decided to try out the next Robin Perfetti design, Frills. This is also in size 20 Lizbeth. The color is #107 Tropical Fruit. I think I could have made this one or two pattern repeats longer, so I may try tatting it again. 

We had a wonderful Tollway Tatters meeting this morning. Those of us who weren't fortunate enough to attend Palmetto Tat Days were able to hear about the classes and facility from those who did attend. It would be fun to make it back there. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the coming year brings.

I think it's time to start another bookmark!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Braid: Four Rings, Alternate Option: No Decorative Picots


Today I worked on Braid: Four Rings, Alternate Option: No Decorative Picots from Four Dozen Tatted Bookmarks by Robin Perfetti, tatted in size 20 Lizbeth #679 Lime Green.

I much prefer the simplicity of this design over the version I tatted yesterday. There are times when I really like decorative picots, but not this time.

I really am enjoying going through Robin's book. The bonus is that I will have a nice supply of bookmarks in a short time!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Braid: Four Rings


Today I worked on Braid: Four Rings from Robin Perfetti's Four Dozen Tatted Bookmarks. The thread is size 20 Lizbeth #646 Purple Iris Lt. 

Next up is a variation of this pattern without decorative picots. I think I might like that one better!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Braid: Three Rings


This was another great bookmark to tat. It looks complicated, but it really is very simple. The thread is size 20 Lizbeth #103 Tutti Fruitti. I'm read to tat another bookmark from Robin Perfetti's Four Dozen Tatted Bookmarks. I love this book!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Braid: Two Rings

Braid: Two Rings from Four Dozen Tatted Bookmarks by Robin Perfetti was a fun tat. I did forget to leave enough bare thread on a few rings, but I think it turned out okay. I used size 20 Lizbeth #127 Butterfly Breeze.

I'm going to have to look for my stash of bookmark sleeves. I think they're a great way to use tatted bookmarks. The tatting stays clean and neat, just the way I like it!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Extended single crochet

Today seems to be a good day for finishing things I've started. This is the third strip for my Mix & Match crocheted afghan. This strip is in extended single crochet. I'm ready to start another strip!

Second finish


I finished my second bookmark of the day, Curds & Whey from Tatting with Visual Patterns by Mary Konnor. I started this one a few weeks ago, and I decided I should finish it before starting another project. 

It's good to finish projects!

Braid: One Ring


This morning I finished Braid: One Ring from Four Dozen Tatted Bookmarks by Robin Perfetti. This was a great pattern for me to start with. I've never been very good working with bare threads in tatting. By the end of the bookmark, I became pretty good at leaving the bare thread the correct length. On to the next bookmark!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024

Second strip


I finished the second strip of my Mix & Match crochet afghan last night. This strip is 30 stitches wide done in back loop only single crochet, 40 inches long. On to the next strip!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



I was about 3/4 of the way finished with this scarf for one of my 7th grade girls, when I decided to rip out my work. Oh, I noticed that I had made a mistake way back near the beginning. I thought no one would notice... no one but me! I just couldn't take looking at the mistake, so I ripped out about 2/3 of my work.

I had several non-knitters at school say that a 7th grader would never notice. That could be true. However, I'm hoping to encourage these girls to take up some sort of handwork... knitting, crocheting, tatting, weaving, embroidery. If I'm to make something that looks hand-crafted and beautiful, I need to put my best foot forward. I have no regrets when it comes to taking out mistakes. I want to set a good example!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Finishing projects


This was a great week for finishing projects. I started this beanie months ago. It sat in a basket by my chair pretty much neglected. The color is unsparing, and it just wasn't a joy to use. Still, I was determined to finish it, and now that it's done I think it looks pretty good.

I finished the second scarf for my 7th grade girls. Yes, I have started the third one.

I had enough of the uninspiring grey yarn left for another beanie. I decided to crochet this one. I still don't like the yarn, but I've used it up! I'm sure someone will like this color, but it sure looks blah to me.

Renulek's Snow Doily is coming along nicely. I just love the way this round is worked!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Weekend work

Mom and I were busy this weekend. Mom has been making blankets on her circular knitting machine, and I have been dabbling.

Mean Green Goes Pink is at the end of October. I finished this granny throw over the weekend as my donation to the fund raiser.

Mom finished this throw, which is super soft and cuddly.

I have a lot of yarn in my stash that doesn't work well with the circular knitting machine, so I'm using this book as inspiration for using up some of my yarn.

The idea presented in the book is to crochet strips that will lie horizontally instead of vertically. The strips can be any width I choose. I'm making them 40" long. My first strip is single crochet with 21 stitches. The second strip is single crochet in back look only with 30 stitches. I plan on making strips in a variety of colors and then I will mix and match them.

Renulek's Snow Doily is coming along well. Round 4 looks complicated, but it's really very simple. I am thoroughly enjoying this pattern!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Snow doily


I started Renulek's Snow Doily yesterday. I can't believe I have three rounds done already. This is so much easier than keeping track of where I am in a heart pattern!

Friday, September 6, 2024

School knitting


I have about a 25 minute break between the two high school lunches that I supervise, so I've been taking knitting with me for something to do during that time. This scarf pattern is from one of my favorite knitting books, Sequence Knitting by Cecelia Compochiaro. The book is expensive, but it is one of the best investments I've ever made. The pattern is Ruddock, one of my favorites in the book.

Two middle school girls have been asking me about my progress on the scarf on a regular basis. They're fascinated by knitting. I've started another scarf. It's easy to stay motivated with an audience!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024



Don't look too closely. There are two major mistakes that I made in this pattern. First, I missed four double stitches and a picot on the first ring of the first round. Second, I missed a join on the first clover leaf of the second round. Luckily, the mistakes aren't glaringly obvious because of the multi-colored thread. I know I will have to pay much closer attention when I re-tat these patterns in a solid color! The pattern is PDF Hearts Shuttle Tatting by Halyna Tkachuk from Gail Weaver on Etsy.

One thing I really appreciate about these patterns is that they are completely different. I was expecting the same center with different edges. I think these will be okay for our February display, if Denise decides she likes them. I have a feeling, though, that she will prefer them in a solid color. I haven't decided whether to use a soft pink or red. I know Denise would like the pink. What would your choice be?

Monday, September 2, 2024

School spirit


Our school colors are green and gold, and I decided to make gnomes for our secretaries and administrators. All are the same, and I think they're adorable!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Heart #2


I can't believe it took me two days to tat Heart #2 from PDF Hearts Shuttle Tatting designed by Halyna Tkachuk from Gail Weaver. The pattern is not difficult at all, but I kept getting lost in the twists and turns which led to making foolish mistakes. 

I will be tatting all three hearts in the set in size 20 Lizbeth #103 Tutti Fruitti. If I have time, I will tat each of the hearts again in either a solid pink or red. I'm sure the solid colors will show off the patterns much better.

On to Heart #3!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Heart #1


PDF Hearts Shuttle Tatting designed by Halyna Tkachuk from Gail Weaver kept popping up as a suggested item on Etsy. There are three hearts in this set, and I decided to give them a try. This is Heart #1 in size 20 Lizbeth #103 Tutti Fruitti. I'm not usually fond of small motifs in multi-colored threads, but this one appeals to me. 

On to Heart #2!