Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Tatting Tuesday

Remember when we used to read and write about Tatting Tuesday? It seems like so long ago! Yesterday, I had a tatting Tuesday. I still can't show what I'm working on, but I will tell you that it is a lovely design. I made quite a few mistakes, so a lot of my time was spent retro-tatting. I'm becoming pretty good at taking out lock joins!

My carry-along project for school this year is knit dishcloths. I've made them for daughter Alison, daughter Carol, our middle school secretary, and this set went to our high school secretary. Why dishcloths? I have a tub filled with dishcloth cotton. I don't have to worry about stitch counts. I can talk to students while I knit without disastrous mistakes. Best of all, the recipients love them!


  1. I always have a dishcloth project going. I love them -they are brainless and then I give them away.

  2. Terrific!! :)
    Glad you got some tatting in!! :)

  3. Thank you for remembering Tatting Tuesday! I wrote many blog posts on the topic of Tatting Tea Tuesday back in the day, because I loved sitting with a cuppa while Tatting along. Now I must rededicate myself again.


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