Wednesday, January 17, 2024



I've now finished three of the four trees I wanted to make for next Christmas. Yes, I have started the fourth. My sister is coming down to visit this weekend, so I'm sure I will finish this one soon. The next step will be to carefully wrap them, tag them, and safely store them until next year. 

Each tree has some of the same elements, such as the dragon brooch. However, each tree is unique. I only have one white stand left and a few red, but I do have other options that I hope to try out soon.

Yesterday was not a good day for cranking. I tried five times and gave up for the day. I probably should have watched videos before getting started, but I wanted to see if I remembered the steps. With a little practice each day, I should have all the steps memorized in no time.

I only crocheted one row on my blanket yesterday, so there's nothing to show there. I have been working on my test tatting piece, but my fingers have been too cold to make much headway. The pattern is lovely, but I will be waiting for permission from the designer before posting it.

We're headed back to school today, and I have some gnomes to pass out to students who requested them. I have a feeling a lot of requests will soon be pouring in!


  1. I hope the piece you’re testing involves split rings, Diane!!!!!

  2. Cold fingers sure make it hard to do much crafting!!
    So glad you are making progress on your goals!! :)


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