Monday, January 29, 2024

Two more

Saturday was our Tollway Tatters meeting via Zoom. I wonder if many others are still doing Zoom meetings?  I'm grateful for the platform, otherwise we wouldn't be able to meet with so many tatting friends from so many places. 

I spent most of Saturday working on my test tatting. I'm getting pretty good at twisted picots, but I can't say I'm fond of them. 

Fingerless mitts are back on the agenda. Our food service director was saying how cold her hands were getting during our recent cold snap. I offered to make her a pair. It took a while to find my pattern. I was sure I had printed it out, but it wasn't in my binder. So, I searched the Internet. Now I know it's printed out!

Bejeweled Christmas tree production continues. This one is for Janko, my youngest grandchild. If you zoom in, you might be able to see dinosaur charms as well as sun, moon, stars, and planets. Of course, there is some Christmas thrown in!

Sophia is into pastels. This isn't quite a pastel tree, but it has pastel elements. Three grandchildren down with eight to go!

1 comment:

Just like you, I love getting feedback!