Monday, March 11, 2019

Back to work!

Drama club took over my life for the last several days, and I loved it!

The cast of Mamma Mia! did a fantastic job! All three performances were outstanding, and it seemed to me that there was record attendance at each performance.

While tatting was not my priority over the weekend, I did manage to finish a couple of Ice Drops.

I mailed off all of the St. Patrick's Day themed Ice Drops to Mom today. I'm sure she and her lunch bunch will love them!

My shuttle collection increased over the past week... surprise! These pretties are from Middy Clark of The Knotted Vine. Aren't they gorgeous?

I'm very happy with my new goodies from Grizzly Mountain Arts: one pyrography doodle art shuttle, and two picot hooks (fine crochet hooks set into wood handles). Dave has another shuttle listed that I am really tempted to purchase, but I'm going to wait a day or two to give someone else a chance at owning one of these beauties!

My newest Lorraine Kolasa shuttle arrived from Tatting Corner. This one is textured with no pick. I only have one left to order to have a complete set! That will happen after I make sure I have all my bills paid.

I finally finished my Wortham scarf from Sequence Knitting by Cecelia Campochiaro. There are many mistakes in this scarf. If I saw the mistake within two rows I fixed it, but there were several mistakes I didn't see for a dozen or more rows. Those stayed!

Daughter Joanne has decided to pick up her crochet hook again. She's found that spending time crocheting helps with her writing process. Sophia is modeling her new sweater. Aren't they cute? I mean Sophia and the sweater! ;-)

Janko loves his new bunny blanket toy. Joanne had fun making it, so the girls will each get one too!


  1. Wonderful Ice Drops!! :)
    Fabulous shuttles!! :)
    Love the colorful scarf!! :)
    Great pictures of the little ones!! :)

  2. Love seeing your beautiful shuttles. You and the drama club always come through with A+ performances. Super cute Littles and I adore that sweater! Spring is Near Diane Dear...

    1. I wish I could take some credit for the drama club. I'm merely a supporter... an avid one! I'm ready for Spring!

  3. Congratulations to the drama club, fun to be part of their success. Your scarf is so pretty, no one is searching out mistakes! Lucky Sophia and Janko, I do like that sweater. Your shuttle count must be record breaking now!

    1. Thanks, Jane! I'm a very small part, mother of the director. I am very proud of my daughter and her students! I keep thinking I should stop collecting shuttles, but I find them irresistible.

  4. There is so much L💗vely in this post 💛💚💙💜

  5. Enjoyed both the 'D watch' shuttle and the elegant beige one, and your green ice drops.

  6. You can’t call this ‘work’ when you’re having so much fun!!!

  7. Gorgeous shuttles,
    Two beautiful ice drops,
    Love your new scarf, colours of the rainbow
    Sounds like you had fun rather than work this weekend.


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