Monday, July 18, 2016

At last!

Snowflake Cappuccino by Renulek
size 20 Lizbeth Pineapple Parfait
finished size 4 1/2" point to point

There were no missteps this time. I had enough thread. I followed the pattern correctly... and all this happened while daughter Carol and I canned another 16 pints of beets. I'm really getting tired of canning, but I'll keep going as long as I have the supplies. I'm sure I'll appreciate having all these veggies come winter!


  1. Well done to you, for the snowflake and the canning! Yes, it is great to be able to just reach for a can in the cupboard, with the work all done.

  2. Lovely snowflake, that is one of my favourite threads, I am thinking about colours for my next snowflake, mmm you have given me ideas

  3. I was right, it does look like a shining star!! Oh it's so beautiful!!!! :)

  4. So pretty ! Pineapple & beet - didn't know they could go together so well ;-P

  5. My Grandma and my mother canned because we always had a garden and wee never wasted food. I have never canned and do not grow a garden. I just do not have the strength or energy for it all. I so admire you for doing it all. Lovely yellow snowflake.


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