Monday, May 20, 2019

Change of plan

I thought I might be able to finish daughter Carol's waffle stitch afghan last night, but when I laid it out on the bed, I wasn't so sure. So, I called my daughter!

At one point we had thought of doing a mirror image color scheme, but the green turned out to be a bolder color choice than either of us had anticipated. We also thought of repeating the color scheme, but Carol likes the dark brown and light blue at the end and would like to see that same color scheme at the other end. So we talked about it a bit and came up with a new plan.

There will be just a two or three more green stripes worked in and possibly one light brown stripe. Then I'll finish off with the dark brown and light blue. I hope to have this finished and delivered by the weekend, but I guess we'll have to see what life has in store for me!


  1. With so many projects and life and subbing I don't know how you get anything done, and then so very much done!!! :) You are awesome!!! :)

  2. It looks so cozy and warm, just right for our crazy weather!

    1. Definitely! I don't think I'll be working on it tomorrow with an expected high of 88!


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