Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Just a little bit

I finished the needle lace edging, and after looking through several of my favorite tatting books, I decided on Handkerchief Edging No. 6 from The Craft of Tatting by Bessie M. Attenborough. I don't have much done, but I do like the way it looks!


  1. Me like it too💐 I just bought some hankies that had a tiny crochet edge and my plan is to add tatting to that👍 let's hope I get round to it😁

  2. That is so very pretty. Can't wait to see it finished.

  3. I think my comment got 'lost' due to my being too fast on the trigger! Just wanted you to know the edging looks fantastic with the needle lace foundation! This might be a new idea of the combining of the two laces?


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