Monday, January 28, 2019

11 + 81 = 12 Step Sampler Blanket

I was so close to finishing my 12 Step Sampler Blanket, it was easy to stay focused and finish it yesterday. I used 11 skeins of I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby. I was a bit shy and need to finish the last 81 stitches with a new skein. I'm sure I could have made those 81 stitches up by being more frugal with the ends I left for weaving. Still, it's finished, and I love it!

So does Dave! I may have to make another!


  1. That looks like one very happy hubby!!! Love the blanket.

    1. He is happy! I did steal the blanket away from him while he was at work today. A girl has to stay warm!

  2. The blanket looks so inviting. Glad Dave likes it.

  3. Looks like a fabulous blanket!!! :)
    I am sure it's needed with these frigid temps!!!

  4. I am so fascinated by this gorgeous blanket! As I recall you started this around Christmas so it took you only one month! I'm sure the designer would be amazed because it is much more spectacular than the plain yarn version! I never would have thought to use multicolored yarn(s) - I assume left over from the kids' blankets?. Did you just use the colors randomly, changing colors for each 'pattern stitch'? If you do make another (and I have a feeling you're going to) would you look for those same color yarns? I notice that some crocheters using that Hobby Lobby brand had problems with knots and worried about washing it (bleeding). Have you had any problems? I haven't crocheted for a long time, but this blanket inspires me to make one! Could really use it during this super cold weather!

    1. Yes, Kathy, I did start it around Christmas. I just worked on it a little bit each day, and it was finished before I knew it! No, this yarn was not left over from the kids' blankets. There was very little left over from those. This is a worsted weight blanket, so it is much heavier... nice for this very cold weather! Yes, there were knots. I cut them out and rejoined the yarn. I don't get bothered by knots. I figure they are part of the yarn/thread making process, and they have to show up somewhere! I haven't washed anything made with I Love This Yarn, so I can't comment on bleeding problems. With a blanket in this many colors, I can't imagine that bleeding would be a problem; it would just change some of the colors a little. However, I will be sure to put some vinegar in the wash to help set the colors! I did enjoy this one. There's enough variety to hold my interest, but I wasn't a slave to the pattern other than keeping track of which row I was on. If you do decide to make one, note that the designer gives the yarn amount in grams, not yardage... something I didn't discover until I'd used about half the yarn. It wasn't a problem for me. I just pulled a couple of more skeins out of my stash. Yes, I did use the colors randomly. The designer indicates when yarn changes should be made, and I followed those. If I were going shopping for yarn, I'd probably still go for the same brand, because I really like the feel of it. I'd buy 12 skeins just to be safe!


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