Friday, September 8, 2023

Hannah, round 1


It took me a while, but I finally decided that my new tatting project would be Hannah from Bonded with Tatting - doilies by Laura Bziukiewicz. I started making the doilies in this book in order. I still haven't finished Star of Bethlehem, mainly because I haven't found the safe place I stashed it in while organizing and cleaning!

I may have to redo the first round. As I was tatting the last ring, I realized that I joined to the wrong picot between the first and second rings. A non-tatter probably wouldn't notice it, but I think it will drive me crazy!


  1. Ah, the downside of tidying up, those pesky ‘safe places’. Mmm, you could regard this as a practice round. A wrong join could skew things later. Aside from driving you crazy of course.

    1. Practice round it is! Sometimes I can be a bit of a perfectionist. Other times I can let things go. This is not one of those times!

  2. Ooh, looks like a very pretty start!! :)

  3. I"m doing the tat a long on Mandatory Blog. It is pretty (IMO) and I'm enjoying the repeats. Also, the Endruck's Garland TAL - which I find challenging, it just isn't 'clicking' along for me (not sure why).

    1. I've been following both, but I'm a little too scatterbrained right now to focus on either one. I have too many things I want to try!

  4. You could start again, since you're not too far ahead. It would give you some peace of mind.

    1. I'm definitely starting again. Someone else might not notice, but that mistake would stick out to me every time I looked at it!


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