Sunday, September 24, 2023

Quick turnaround


The end of the week held pleasant surprises... all of my quilts are finished! This one was going to be for daughter Alison, but it is too pink for her. Unless one of my grandchildren claims it, I think I might keep it for myself.

This one is for Joanne and Jan's king size bed.

I think Kara will love her new twin size quilt.

I used every single square from the packages for these quilts. I figure that some day there will be a toddler visiting who needs something to snuggle at nap time, and I will be prepared!

The crib size quilt is from squares left over from Sophia's quilt.

Sophia's quilt is for a full size bed.

Janko's is for a twin bed.

I bet you're wondering why some of the quilts are not opened up all the way. Well, Mom and I were looking at them yesterday, and I meant to take pictures of each of them on the bed. I took a picture of the pink quilt, but forgot to take pictures of the others until they were all neatly folded and back in their bags. I didn't have the energy to unfold and fold all of them again!

I have another color that I really like, Winter Flowers. This is another I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby. Most of the yarns work really well in my little Sentro 40 circular knitting machine. However, every once in a while there is a color that just does not work well. I've started a bag of yarns that I can't use in the machine, and I will find another way to use them. I'm thinking that another scrappy waffle stitch would be great fun!


  1. Gorgeous gorgeous quilts, from large to small!

  2. You’ve been mega busy, Diane. I wish I had your energy!!!!

  3. Oh my goodness!!! Awesome progress!! I love all the quilts!!! :)
    And that is a great color on those headbands!! :)

  4. I can’t comment on today’s post, so I’m trying here. You and your mom are keeping that machine busy!


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