Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Starting over

There was nothing for me to post yesterday. I subbed in kindergarten, and I was too worn out at the end of the day to do much of anything. Those little kindergarteners were so much fun! There were 16 in the classroom, and they were extremely well behaved. Still, their energy level was far greater than mine!

After sharing pictures with my friends Denise and Jen, I decided that I needed to start my Sanditon MKAL over with size 2 needles. I don't know that it's obvious in the picture, but in person there is a significant difference, and I'm glad I decided to switch needle sizes. Both of these samples go up to 83 stitches. I have until Sunday to increase to 227 stitches. I think I can do it. Even if I don't, there's no school on Monday, so I should have plenty of time to catch up.

I managed to finish two more stripes on Joanne's Sneak a Peek cowl. I only have five stripes to go!

It was time for a splash of color in my Ice Drops, so I switched to Lizbeth #100, Falling Leaves. It may be the wrong time of year for this color, but I couldn't resist using it.

I think I have a little more time for knitting before heading off to bed!


  1. Lots of great color changes!!! It's been so dreary that I need color too. I am working with Lizbeth Lilac Dk., Fruit Fizz, and Snow White on a project for Tatting Design Class.

  2. Little ones are so much fun but I dont know why the good Lord gave that energy to children instead of adults 😊 I guess it gave you time to think and switch the needles🙂


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